Spun From Stone

Functional Pottery by Charna Parkey

Fall Acorn, Owl and Pear

Sometimes for me the shape of the untouched form asks to be something in particular. That was the case this weekend at this months even at Cup O’ Pottery. Three shapes called out to me through out the day as I was working on my orders.

The first was a pear, the only modifications I made to the form was a stem and slip decoration for color and texture. Here is the finished layering.

clay pear

clay pear

The second piece was an acorn, the only thing I added here was a strip around the bottom of very soft clay that I could punch and round to give the feeling of soft curves before adding the texture with a wood knife. All of the coloring will come from glazing.

clay acorn

clay acorn

The last piece that I ended up doing was an owl. I had first intended for it to be a simple version like you might find as a Christmas tree ornament in target but as I kept adding and adding the final piece was epic. Starting pictures and 360 shots are on facebook, but here is one in progress photo. Most of the clay was very soft since I wanted to simulate feathers by adding layered cuts, if done with clay that’s too dry I find it cracks easily and doesn’t allow multiple depths and layers as easily and quickly

clay owl

clay owl

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